Monday, October 20, 2008

How did you get a boy?

My response: it is becoming more common. Really, it is. Look at these pictures.

At the White Swan's koi ponds. Yes, that is my son on the right, being restrained by Eiley.

Waiting for the medical exam: 3 boys (the one on the right is in our travel group)

Cassie's little brother, Christian.

Another boy in our group, being adopted by Americans of Chinese heritage.

At the neighborhood playground.


Michael said...

This is the bestest blog evar!! Serial. I Heart yr blog!! Can't wait to meet J.J. I'm sure he will be as wonderful in his way as the rest of the clan is. Weenie. Ha. Sorry, I hadn't checked in lately so that is an old reference by now. That Devyn.

JABster said...

Thank u for hearting my blog!