Sunday, October 12, 2008

Great Wall, Tian'anmen Square, Forbidden City, Bird's Nest Photos

Bird's Nest

Devyn and Cassie, chillin' in the Forbidden City

Yes, Dahling, the Forbidden City is Fabulous.

Wall fans on the Wall

Up they go

Mia is almost to the second tower.

View from the top of the second tower

Down they come.

Olympic flower display in Tian'anmen Square

There are many of these homemade delivery trikes in Beijing

Mia is a terra cotta warrior -- taken in the gift shop of the cloisonne factory

Olympic lantern flower display in Tian'anmen Square

Forbidden City

Playing peek a boo at the Great Wall


Unknown said...

Nice photos... does Monkey Boy have a Wall shirt as well?

JABster said...

Well, of course he does. And he has the hand-me-down Rice sweatshirt from Matthew, also. And a Texas hat. We're slapping state and school loyalty all over him. You know those bright, kelly green shirts actually helped me see the girls easily on the Great Wall.

McLaughlin Family said...

good luck today. we are in chengdu! Love K