Hungry Panda

Goldfish tanks

Hippo viewing area

Toy helicopter -- awesome and only 5 yuan

But I really really want that ice cream!

Riding on the bus

Eiley and Jon Wiley are viewing Chongqing via bus

Devyn is excited about the zoo

Excellent vantage point

Chongqing Zoo, famous for its pandas
Jon Wiley is definately one of the gang!! You all look so happy! Have a wonderful time. We are thinking of you and are enjoying following your trip! Jon Wiley is just adorable. The girls are all wonderful big sisters!! The Woffindens
Jon Wiley looks like he's always been a part of the family! It appears he's really settled in with ya'll! Thanks for sharing the whole experience with all of us - it really makes me want that Chinese grandbaby! We miss you at the surgery center and look forward to your return and meeting Jon Wiley. Susan Hinson
Jon Wiley is just adorable and seems quickly adapted to being member of the family already. We are thinking of you too and are enjoying following your China trip! Everyone looks so happy together in the photos and is enjoying the trip.
The Genungs
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