Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gotcha Day will be October 13th

What an exciting day we've had! We got an email that our Consulate Appointment had been confirmed for October 21st, and that we would be in China October 9th through 23rd. This completely contradicts our agency's stated policy of not traveling during the Canton Fair . But, hey, we're not going to argue! This afternoon, we booked our tickets through Delight Travel. We are over the moon!!!

We leave from San Antonio at 8:45 AM on Northwest Airlines, and go through Detroit and Tokyo to Beijing. We get our son October 13th!!! He becomes a U.S. Citizen on October 21st. And on October 23rd, we leave from Guangzhou and go through Tokyo and Minneapolis to land in San Antonio around 5:30 P.M. Devyn entered the US through San Francisco, and Jon Wiley will enter through Minneapolis.

Now we are negotiating with Eiley's and Mia's schools regarding their planned 2-week absence, and I am scheduling my absence from work. I plan to go back to work on November 5th.

We will still miss his birthday, but not by much. And I am so happily surprised at being able to travel during the trade fair in Guangzhou.

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