Saturday, August 30, 2008

Travel Approval Finally Received

Yesterday afternoon, I had completely given up hope for receiving our TA any time soon. Scott went to pick up the big girls from school while I had a glass (or 2) of the champagne we had been saving for TA day. I was sitting at the computer, as usual, playing with the yearbookyourself site -- much thanks to Courtney for distracting me from my woes. I clicked over to my email to look at funny pics Courtney had sent, and there was an email timed at 3:42 from my agency saying, "Waiting Children Families, Travel Approvals have arrived." So I guess I didn't open that champagne prematurely!

It's bittersweet news, because there are no more September appointments at the American Consulate. The email from my agency says travel will be in "October-November." I was afraid of this. Because of the trade fair in
Guangdong beginning October 15, our agency doesn't travel from October 15 through the 29th. When I asked our agency rep specifically for the dates she requested, she just said, "I have requested a multitude of dates to get families to China as soon as possible." I think she should run for public office. She certainly has the reassuring but vague answers down pat.

So now, guess what we do? More waiting! The Consulate Appointment confirmation will come to our agency by email in 3 to 10 days. By the time our TA arrived in Austin, it was already Friday night in China so the Consulate wasn't open. In addition, because it is the
American Consulate, they won't be open Labor Day, Monday. Of course, neither will our agency. So the first time the Consular staff could see the CA request is Tuesday morning in China, which is Monday night in the US. If they answer in 3 days, then we will know something Thursday or Friday.

This almost guarantees that we won't be with Jon Wiley on his 2
nd birthday. I'm trying to keep in mind that we will have him for all the rest of his birthdays!!!

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