Monday, July 28, 2008

Details and frustration

Scott and Devyn picked up the LSC/LOA IN PERSON at the agency on Friday, and we signed it and sent it back on Saturday. Today our agency sent me an email congratulating me on the LSC, and they attached to the email some paperwork that needed to be signed and sent back with the LSC. Grrrr! Luckily, it could be done by email, which I did. The inefficiency frustrates me, as you can tell.

The signed LOA/LSC will go to China this Friday, as our agency only mails on Fridays. Then we begin the approximately 2 week TA wait.

On the positive side, there were exciting choices to make: hotel rooms and airports! I listed all 3 girls, including their passport numbers, as our little travel party. I asked for 2 rooms in Beijing, Chongqing, and Guangzhou. They quote the rooms in Beijing and Chongqing at 109 dollars each and in Guangzhou at 139 dollars each, which includes 2 breakfasts per room. I guess we'll be buying an extra breakfast. Maybe they'll foolishly give us Devyn's breakfast for free, not knowing the vast quantities she can ingest.

I'd like to fly out of our little hometown airport, but I think the fares will be better from San Antonio or Austin. In fact, I saw a Northwest Airlines flight from San Antonio for 948 dollars roundtrip! My fingers were itching to purchase. But, alas, I can't do that yet.

We still haven't received our "Brown Envelope" from Guangzhou, but I'm not too worried. It has our file number, but our Travel Adviser can look that up for us if we don't receive it. We're talking about Homeland Security here, not known for their speed. You can bet I'll be taking all the proof with me that we are approved and that the consulate in Guangzhou was sent our file.

Waiting, waiting, waiting..... at least the times are getting shorter now.

Next hurdle: Travel Approval (TA)

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